Wednesday 19 August 2015

Goodbye and God Bless

I began this Blog back in 2008 when Religious Discrimination laws were just being introduced in Britain and I have enjoyed using it to explore the developments in the Law, however I have decided that this is the right time to say goodbye and to make my last posting.

I have always used this Blog to report on, and to discuss, cases as they occur but over the last year or so the number of cases has reduced even if their importance has increased. 

Unfortunately a Blog which is intermittent, as this one has become, is increasingly less and less valuable to its readers.  Blogs really need to be updated daily if possible but weekly as a minimum and I have been unable to do that. 

Rather than running a poor Blog I prefer to say goodbye now.  However I strongly recommend my readers to check out the excellent Blog 

run by that learned and pleasant duo, Frank Cranmer and David Pocklington.

Very Best Wishes to you all

Neil Addison


umblepie said...

Thanks Neil for your important and instructive posts over the years.
You will be missed, and I wish you all the best.
Will certainly link to the blog you recommend.

Anonymous said...

A great sadness, I shall miss your learned comments.
Fr Bill

richardhj said...

I seem to have found you just as you started to reduce output. What you have done in the time since was always informative, and of course nearly always depressing, but of course to blame you for that would be a case of shooting the messenger.
I thank you for your efforts and will certainly take your advice and bookmark the suggested blog.
With prayers and best wishes

David England said...

Thanks Neil - many of your comments have found their way into my classroom in Brisbane, Australia! Keep up the good work defending religious liberties!!



BarabbasFreed said...

I have found your blog helpful, informative and thoughtful. Thanks for the time you point into it. Maybe you can add your thoughts to the religionandlaw blog when appropriate. I, for one, would value that.

Rafael Palomino Lozano said...

Thank you very much for your posts. It has been a pleasure to read your qualified opinions on Law & Religion.

Markus McDowell said...

Sorry to see you end the blog, I always found it a wonderful place to keep up, and for links from my own religion and law blog.
All the best, Neil!

Paul de Mello Jnr said...

Sorry to read that you are to close the blog, but wish to thank you for the years of insightful service you have provided through this blog. I do hope you continue to share your insights via one-offs in other media (Catholic Herald, other blogs etc).

God Bless & Thank you.
